address an issue 問題を扱う 2 deal with the issues of〔~の〕
問題を扱う: 問題を扱う もんだいをあつかう to deal with (handle) a matter 同じ問題を扱う: address the same issues as〔~と〕 困難な問題を扱う: handle a knotty problem 民営化問題を扱う: deal with the privatization issue of〔~の〕 治安問題を扱う: deal with security problems 深刻な問題を扱う: address a severe problem 関する問題を扱う: deal with issues related to〔~に〕 際どい問題を扱う: skate [walk, tread, dance] on thin ice 難民問題を扱う: deal with the refugee issue たくさんの問題を扱う: cover a lot of ground プライバシー問題を扱う: dealt with the privacy issue 世界問題を扱う雑誌: journal of world affairs 労働問題を扱う弁護士: labor lawyer 安全保障上の問題を扱う: deal with security problems 影響を与える問題を扱う: address issues affecting〔~に〕